Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Little Miss Lauren - Lynden Newborn Photographer
Miss Lauren was the sweetest little peanut! She was wide awake for most of her pictures...I don't think she wanted to miss out on any of the action! She finally got a little sleepy at the end, so we caught a few pictures of her in baby dreamland. Thank you Travis, Colleen and Hannah for letting me get my baby fix! Lauren is absolutely precious and I loved every minute of it!

Monday, January 10, 2011
Having a Hay Day- Whatcom County Family Photographer
Even if you don't live on a farm, you can still get your pictures taken in a barn! Tawsha grew up on a farm, so it's only natural to want your family pictures taken on one. I know I've written this in my last few posts, but can I just say BRRRRRRRRR!!! Little Miss Charlie did so well, despite the freezing temperatures. We started in the barn, as to not shock her system. Then we ran outside, shot a few, thawed out inside the house, shot a few more, thawed out a little more, etc... She didn't complain one bit, and we had a successful session. Thanks Jay, Tawsha, Jessica, Emily and Charlie for still having smiles on your faces! Your family is beautiful!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
No smiles from this guy- Lynden Family Photographer
A family of 6 with twin boys...doesn't that look familiar! These guys were such troopers! It was absolutely freezing the day we did these, but they still gave me good smiles...well, everyone except for Mr. Logan. Logan ended up coming down with Strep Throat the night after we took these, so that explained why we couldn't get any smiles out of him. Poor guy! Then, to top it all off, the rest of the kids got it too. Not fun. :( Thank you Lamont, Emily and kids for the fun, freezing afternoon. I'm glad the kids are all healthy again!

Sunday, January 2, 2011
A love to look forward to- Whatcom County Photographer
Nick's grandparents are amazing. They are in their 70's, but are the hardest workers I know. They are always the first ones to help someone in need, and they love every minute of it. They take my older 2 kids quite often, because they know that I can use the break! They are so in love with each other, and I only hope that Nick and I have a love like that someday! We love you grandpa and grandma!

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